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Girl's Schedule


When :   February 21st -

                May 31st


Time:     TBD


Where:   TBD


Cost:       $200 tent fee, per

                rower,  ($100 each   

                additional rower

                per family)

                Refundable $250

                work bond


Mandatory Fundraisers:


         Dinner Club Tickets Due      


(First Stroke Dinner)


  50/50 Tickets Due 


(Atlanitc County Champioship)


Dinner Club Tickets will be distributed at the Kick off Meeting.  Each family is required to sell 15 x $20 Dinner Club Raffle Tickets* due by 3/1/2018

Spring Crew Registration will be held at the begining of the 2019 1st Stroke Dinner on March 1st at the Ocean City IntermmediateSchool Cafeteria starting at 7:30pm

You will need to submit 
the registration form and the fees.  You must also be registered with US Rowing and sign the online waiver.










A tent fee of $150, ($75 for each additional rower per family), +  a refundable $200 work bond, must be paid to the OC Crew Boosters in order to participate in Spring Crew.

Boy's Schedule


When :   February 21st -

                May 31st


Time:     TBD


Where:   TBD


Cost:      $200 tent fee, per

                rower,  ($100 each   

                additional rower

                per family)

                Refundable $250

                work bond


Mandatory Fundraisers:


         Dinner Club Tickets Due      


(First Stroke Dinner)


               50/50 Tickets Due 


(Atlantic County Championship)


Transportation will be provided from the school to the boathouse during the Spring Crew Season, however, there is no bus to bring the rower home


In lieu participating in the mandatory Dinner Club Fund Raiser, Families that procure $500 in New Sponsorship Funds, (or $500 from a current sponsor, if that sponsor is owned by the participants immediate family), will be exempt from the Dinner Club Portion of the 2019 Spring Mandatory Fundraisers

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