So your son or daughter has joined crew!
Welcome to our organization!

Like most other school sports, crew takes a lot of dedication and the kids usually practice four to six days a week. When the rowers are not on the water they are hard at work training.
Unlike other sports, crew is a 3 season athletic program. It is only an official school sport in the spring. During the fall and winter it is considered a club. The school supports the team by supplying uniforms, insurance, entry fees to races and coaching staff only during the spring season. The other 2 seasons are supported solely by the efforts of the Crew Boosters. All of the equipment, including the boats, ergs and oars, trailers and skiffs and motors are paid for by the efforts of the Crew Boosters. The crew team needs an annual budget of about $100,000 to make the sport possible. Without the Booster participation, the crew team could not exist.
In the spring, when we are an official sport, there are about 15 crew events. The races are held at Lake Lenape, the Cooper River, the Schuylkill River and occasionally at St. Andrews in Delaware. These are usually all day events. The team takes a bus to and from the event, except for Lake Lenape where the rowers need to be dropped off by parents. The parents, friends and family meet at the water for a day filled with fun and excitement usually at the food tent. Crew Boosters provides hamburgers, grilled chicken, soups, salads, coffee, tea, water, steak sandwiches, lots of snacks...too much to name... The food tent is open for all team members and their families to enjoy. It feels like a big extended family picnic!
Crew is a very exciting event. It takes a lot of people to make it happen. As you can imagine it also takes a financial commitment.
We ask that each family volunteers some time helping. As you get familiar with the program you may find you want to help at the food tent, get involved with fund raising, help pick up supplies or any of the other fun things that need to be done.