Important Info for Crew Parents and Our Calendar
Welcome to another exciting year of rowing! The Ocean City Crew Boosters is the parent organization that provides the finances to keep the program afloat. The High School is responsible for Spring costs including uniforms, insurance, coaches and transportation. The Boosters purchase the boats and equipment, pay for Fall and Winter Coaches, maintain the Erg Room and the Boathouse, run the Food Tent, and organize the communications with rowers and parents. Parents new to crew should scroll down and check out the "Newbie" link.
Please make sure you fill out and submit a Registration Form with the required fees in a timely fashion. Each rower must complete the online waiver with the U.S. Rowing Association to row at the regattas (Links below).
We hold various fundraiser events thoughout the seasons. Your participation is essential to making this wonderful sport available to your children. Parents are needed to help out in the Food Tents at the races, transport food and drinks, work our BINGO nights, and occasionally provide a salad for some of the races. Volunteer when you can! "Many hands make light of work." To defer the cost of the Spring Competitive season, each rower is asked to sell all of the 50/50 tickets and Dinner Club tickets they receive. The funds raised will be subtracted from required fees.
Once you are on our communication list you will be receiving emails, updates and an occasional newsletter. This is how we keep you and your rowers informed. We also have at least two general Parent meetings, one in the fall and one in January. In addition, the Board meets every second Wednesday of the month. Parents are welcome to come to the open portion of the meeting from 6:30 - 7:00 PM.
Scroll down to see the OCHS Crew Calendar of Events and Activities.

Directions to Races and Regattas
Click the button below to see directions to all upcoming races and regattas.

New to Crew?
Click the button below to see our page with info just for parents new to the sport.