2023-2024 Crew Sponsorship Guidelines
The Crew Boosters will continue the Crew Sponsorship program for the Spring season. Sponsorship dollars have been secured by many of our rowing families already and we would like to continue raising money through business sponsorship in our region.
While having personal connections with business owners is very helpful in securing sponsorships, it is not necessary for this program. Our past sponsorship committee worked long and hard on a list of all Cape May County businesses, most with contact information. If you are interested in participating in this program, you will be supplied with a list of companies to contact. Other families have had success with your rower emailing personal connections.
Therefore, we have a template for rowers to use if desired. You are not limited to the list supplied to you; however, please let the committee know if you have contacted a business outside of your list. This prevents contact from multiple rowers.
Please contact team liaisons or Denise Nilsen (fundraising@ochscrew.com) with any questions.
March 1st – Deadline to inform Denise Nilsen of whether you intend to participate in the program. This does not commit you to turning in sponsorship donations, it establishes which businesses you will contact. If you know you are participating, please let us know asap. Sponsorship program begins immediately.
May 1st – Deadline for sponsorship forms and donations to be submitted to Denise Nilsen.
Crew Sponsorship Incentives
If the rower secures a total of $500 in sponsorships, rower will be exempt from selling 50/50 tickets. Dinner Tickets sales are still mandatory ($300) & Tent fees will be owed ($200).
If the rower secures a total of $1000 in sponsorships, rower will be exempt from selling 50/50 tickets & Dinner Club tickets. Tent fee will be owed ($200).
If the rower secures a total of $1,500 in sponsorships, rower will be exempt from selling 50/50 tickets, Dinner Club tickets, and will be exempt from paying Tent fee.